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Ardchattan Parish Church

Message from India

Added on 23 June 2013

A message from Janet in India!


Hi, from a very, very, very hot India.  The temperature is almost 50 and they say it will go well into the 50’s soon. 

I just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful gifts and very special notes.  I so enjoyed my time in this placement and was very privileged to get to know you all, thank you so much for being so warm and welcoming. It is a placement I will never forget.

India is definitely a land of contrasts.  On my first day here I saw dogs, pigs and monkeys all along the same stretch of road – I thought I was hallucinating!  It is a vibrant place and there is a constant assault on your senses – you have to be here to experience it, it’s hard to describe as it has a culture none like I have ever experienced.  The people are very warm and welcoming, especially in the villages.  I have not seen another white person since I have been here and it seems like some others haven’t seen a white person either as I am constantly stared at – but in a nice way (I hope).  I have chapatti and curry for breakfast, chapatti and curry for lunch and chapatti and curry for dinner!  Just as well that I like curry.

Time is spent visiting the villages and working with the marginalised (Dalits and women and children) and it is such a privilege to do this  – in each village I go to there is lunch given to me despite the fact that the people are living below the poverty line, they give so willingly – I am so humbled!
I think of you all and pray for God’s richest blessings  on you.  Thank you so much again for making my placement there so memorable.
God Bless

< Lunch & snowdropsMore Photos from Janet >