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Ardchattan Parish Church

In March ...

Added on 20 March 2015

World Day of Prayer. On March 6th 19 folk of various denominations gathered together in Ford Spence Court to share with Christians around the world in the worship service. This year it had been provided by Christians in the Bahamas. The service, entitled 'Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you?' which focused around the Gospel account of Jesus washing his Disciples' feet, was introduced, led and read by 5 different voices from our Parish. It was followed by a tasty tea and chat. 


Lenten Table Talk Throughout March a dozen folk have met at the Manse on Tuesday evenings for study and discussion. This year they have been looking at the story of Elijah (1 Kings 17-19) and reflecting on how his experiences can help us today.

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