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Ardchattan Parish Church

Guild - new season

Added on 22 September 2011

The first meeting of the new Guild season was held on Thursday 22nd September in the hall.

Our national theme for this year is ‘Called to walk humbly with God’.
The Rev. Jeff led us to consider this theme, starting by taking us back to the words of Micah 6 v 8 ‘What does the Lord require of you… to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God’.

He then introduced us to his specific topic for the evening ‘Walking in humility with the Psalms’.
We were invited to visit the 5 Psalms suggested - Psalms 8, 34, 51, 133 &134 and Psalm 119: vv 9-18 - each to be found on a different table around the hall along with a relevant image. Our challenge was to tour the passages, consider the pictures and note what we each considered to be a key verse relating to our theme from each psalm. An interesting discussion on the selected verses followed our return to base.

< Teas and Exhibition at St. ModansHoliday Club - October 2012 >