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Ardchattan Parish Church

Christmas in Ardchattan

Added on 25 December 2014

As usual, Advent and Christmas were a very busy, exciting joyous and thoughtful time in Adrchattan.

'Real Advent Calendars' were purchased to remind folk daily of the real Christmas Story - with a Fairtrade Chocolate behind each window aswell!

The Advent Study Group found much to think about and reflect on in the Ghent Alterpiece during their weekly meetings at the Manse.

Christmas trees were decorated (the one in St. Modan's being so large that a second set of lights had to be purchased!).

Barcaldine School left some splendid Shepherds and Kings in church from their Nativity Play there, for congregations to enjoy and ponder on.

In Ardchattan Kirk, All Stars provided an excellent Nativity Story, which was followed in the afternoon with their Christmas Party and a Half Hour Happening in the North Connel Hall.

In Benderloch folk heard St. Modan's bell ring out at midnight to announce Christmas Morning from our Watchnight Service and later, in Ardchattan Kirk, friends and families gathered from across the Parish to rejoice and celebrate the wonders of Christmas Day.

(If anyone has more words or pictures to add, do please share them with our web site's editorial team.)


